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Part 15: Dr. Steven Greer on Why Obama was Denied Access to See Alien Corpses
Part 13: Dr. Steven Greer Responds to Neil deGrasse Tyson: He's Brainwashed or Lying
Part 1: Dr. Steven Greer on Congress' UFO Hearing: Useless w/o Subpoenas,Whistleblowers Killed


In this clip, Dr. Steven Greer states that a trained Marine and whistleblower called Michael Herrera claimed to have witnessed a manmade craft the size of a football field transporting human slaves and weapons during the 2009 Indonesian earthquake and tsunami. This was part of covert programs involving human enslavement, trafficking, and other illegal activities. Dr. Greer argues that such programs use advanced technologies disguised as UFOs or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) for multiple criminal activities, including drug and arms running. Greer also underscores that these technologies are kept secret, and anyone attempting to reveal them faces lethal consequences. Despite having the technology to revolutionize air travel, commercial airlines still use technology from the 1960s due to these secretive practices. Greer advocates for the disclosure of such technologies to end poverty, solve environmental crises, and promote energy independence.

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